Those first 10 days...
...when you fall in love! There is really just something totally magical about the newborn period. Those first 10 days or so of life are so unique, but they go by so fast! After the births of each of my three children, I was too tired and too overwhelmed to sit and just drink in their newness. I wish I'd made more time, but I made up for it in pictures! I know many parents are totally overwhelmed and portraits are the last thing on their minds at the end of pregnancy and in the early chaotic days of parenthood, but the amazing newborn period slips right by while we're busy figuring out which brand of diaper can stand up to the challenge, how we will ever manage to sleep again and how our hearts can keep from bursting when we look at our new little angel.
I urge all expecting parents to consider scheduling a newborn session - if not with me, then with someone else. Many parents say they'd like to hold off and have portraits made when their little ones are stronger and more interactive. Yes, it's wonderful to capture the chubby , smiling baby stage a little later on, but the wrinkly, curled up, sleepy newborn your child once was will be just a faint sweet memory by that point.
So, if you or someone you know is expecting, please consider capturing the magic of your little one within the first 10 days of life. I am currently booked several weeks in advance, but I do my very best to accommodate all newborns. It is never too early to book a tentative newborn session date. Please let me know early in your pregnancy and I will schedule some flexibility into my calendar around your due date.
Newborn sessions can be longer and we work at the baby's pace to allow for feedings and changing, but since I come to your home, it should be comfortable and easy for you and your baby. If you have any questions about any of my images or newborn photography options, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Here are a few of my favorite newborn shots from sessions over the past couple of years. There are LOTS more on my site under the "Portfolio" link.
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