Y'all are really the best!

I am so unbelievably lucky. I get to do something I love and I work with the best people! My clients constantly amaze me with their gratefulness, loyalty, and just all-around good-people-ness (okay, I'm sure that's not a word :)) I have gotten to know some great people over the past few years because of my business and I am so grateful for that. Every time I get busy and bogged down and think I just can't face another challenge, something happens that reminds me why I do this -- that photographs touch people's lives. These are the things we want saved from a burning house, the things we hand down to our children and grandchildren -- they just mean so much. My clients remind me each day that they have entrusted me to capture something precious -- TODAY. It's going quickly and I'm so happy to help stop time in the only way I know how.

Thank you all. :)

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